Sunday, October 25, 2009


I was just watching a documentary on India and among the country's many issues, an explosion in AIDS cases is one of the topmost problems. India has one of the highest populations in the world with the AIDS virus due to truckers and sex-workers. But the main issue that stems from this is the abuse of the AIDS antiviral drugs. Anywhere else in the world, no-one can get their hands on these pills without a prescription, but in India, you can go up to any pharmacy and purchase them- whats the problem with this, you ask? Well a) once someone starts the regimen they have to remain on the pills for the rest of their lives, any breaks lead to drug resistance developing in the system. b) abuse of the pills. These people don't know how many they're supposed to take, when or even for how long. They would start to feel better after a few months on the pills and then decide that they don't need to take them anymore, well a couple months down the line they develop an infection but unfortunately the pills don't work anymore. What would the country do if a large segment of their people had AIDS and developed resistance to the only drugs that could keep them alive? Thats the issue that they're dealing with right now.


My life my story said...

well that was not at all good!

Unknown said...

oooh not good at all x

Anonymous said...

..Am i supposed to answer that question.. ?

FU said...

let me tell you something about India.
you can get any drug over the counter. Swine flu has arrived and everyone who doesnt have swine flu bought out tamiflu just in case. So people who do have swine flu may not have access. If you need drugs you have to buy them outside...the hospitals dont usually supply you with them. even if youre about to die.

THis is a big problem in India. Lack of education. People in the villages dont know that birth control exists. I am not kidding. It's a sad sad country. The rich get richer and the poor even poorer.

This is my rant. mainly bc im stuck here. sigh.

Little T said...

I feel all worldly reading your posts! Thanks;-)

Mark said...

Thanks for alerting us to this alarming situation. It is amazing in this day and age that we still act with such ignorance.

Farnnay said...


MarjnHomer said...

ouch n ewwww!

EmptyWords said...

mainly due to prostitution starting at age 8ish... its sooo terrible out there... my heart goes out to them