Thursday, September 25, 2008

On the Road [Again]

On the Road [Again], originally uploaded by Rabujee.

OK so, just thinking of some silliness tonight before I sleep and I thought I'd share it real quick (or not so quick, I usually prolong my stories ;)...or "dramatize" them as Constructive Attitude says hehe)

I am sort of a germ-o-phobe and use hand sanitizers a lot, and those of you that know Bath and Body Works, probably have used their scented or "flavored" sanitizers like me. I have this one currently called Pink Grapefruit...something.... A few months ago, I used it while sitting in Circuits lecture one day and after about 10 minutes my professor paused, turned to the class and said "Is someone drinking beer?" Everyone awoke from their sleep and looked around confused, when the proff. repeated "I smell beer..."

At this point I begun to realize it MIGHT just be my sanitizer, and unfortunately I had left it out on my desk, SO there was no attempt made to hide it... lol. It was useless at that point. Not that I was afraid of having it out, just that I didn't want any awkward conversation being directed my way in the middle of class.
But of course, there's always the classmate who has to have the answer to useless things and everyone turned and stared at me as this kid pointed at my desk and said "It's probably THAT." I managed an awkward chuckle as my proff. started interviewing me on what it is, and on its alcohol content.... *Lame*

So today at work, I used the same sanitizer again and after some time, I heard my co-worker in the next cube say "Hmmm... that's weird." Someone in our row asked her "What's weird?" She answered "It smells like booze..."
Again, the culprit was sitting on my

Funny thing is, I didn't even KNOW what beer smells like ...until now...and I guess it smells the same as what I use to kill germs.

And on a *slightly* serious but related note, I find it very interesting when I meet people of other cultures, where beer and alcohol are a social norm, say that they don't drink. Not that I'm expecting them to drink alcohol, because I know everyone is different; it's just interesting when they explain WHY they choose not to. And for most its "I just don't like to be under the influence of something..." or that they don't like to be "not in control" of themselves...
Hmm, very interesting, that thats the EXACT reason why its not allowed in Islam. Think about it, there's always wisdom behind these rules we have.
Good night =).

P.S. Don't drink and drive or you'll be seeing this [pointing to photo] through your windshield...not that I speak from experience...


supreem said...

lol. that's soo funny...

Anonymous said...

haha crazy sanitizer

Farnnay said...

lol. now we know what alcohol tastes like and i know we're not missing out on anything because grapefruits are gross.

Farnnay said...

and sort of a germ-o-phobe? now that's an understatement if i've ever heard one.

Sana said...


no friend is the biggest germ o phobe. bigger than you. lol. I shall share my stories later. too many.

CA: Grapefruits are the best thing in the world!! You lack good taste. pffft.

Sana said...

booze *

Artistic Logic said...

i disagree, grapefruits are grossssssssss, ok not gross but they can't be eaten