Thursday, August 28, 2008

And meanwhile we have gone on living...

I feel like that guy in the picture. Okay I am way better off, thanks to God for blessing me for everything that I have. But I feel like this right now.

I'm not allowed to eat meat until my liver is back to normal. I LOVE meat. Especially red meat. Too bad it's hard on the liver. So I've been off it for about a week and a half and am starting to get crabby...and hungry. I need to complain so here I am, cribbing about my lack of energy. I feel weak and light headed. Okay, I'm not that bad. But it could get to that. If I can't deal with no meat now, how am I going to deal with no food or water from dawn until dusk when Ramadan {the Muslim Holy month} starts??

Ramadan is coming up in a few days. The year has flown by and I am not mentally and spiritually prepared for this blessed month whatsoever. When I was little I thought fasting meant doing everything really really fast. lol. Ramadan is more than fasting from food. It's about fasting from speaking wrong, doing wrong, controlling one's anger, trying to be more generous/merciful, etc. Personally, I feel that it's about learning patience. I feel like few of us have patience and need to practice it. I speak first and foremost for myself.

Ramadan isn't just about going hungry; it's more about improving yourself as a Muslim and a human being and applying what you do in this month to the rest of the year and the rest of your life. It serves as a model, as a practice month. It takes about 40 days to build a new habit and 40 days to quit a habit. Around a month, right? Ramadan is a great time to drop the old, bad habits and pick up new, good habits. In this month we try to increase our worship and become closer to God.

Every year I make a list of Ramadan resolutions that I hopefully will be able to implement throughout the year. I have to keep in mind to not make drastic changes. The quicker I jump into something huge, the sooner I'll jump out of it. I want to be able to do something that I can apply to the rest of the year. Some of my goals for the upcoming month are:

  • To finish reading the Qur'an {Muslim book}
  • To learn the proper way to read the Qur'an {pronounciation}
  • To revise the chapters of the Qur'an that I've already memorized.
  • To be nicer to my sister
  • To be more patient and to control my anger
  • To stop being a baby and learn to accept things as they are instead of complaining all the time.

I'm sleepy. *yawns* I bet you it's because of the vegetarian diet.


Farnnay said...

Yay!! you're back and you posted! :)
you dont know how excited i was when i saw you posted.

anywho, i really like your resolution idea, i do that too, but its more of a mental list. and being nicer to my sisters is always on that list, but somehow it doesnt go so well. inshallah it will this year :)
Another resolution I have: Deactivate facebook..err...again..hehe

Farnnay said...

and you cant have any meat? ughhh that sucks!

Artistic Logic said...

hey i have some of the same goals as u...inshallah we both can accomplish them =)